“What story are you living?”

Lectures to the Jung Society of Melbourne
(October 2021 and May 2022):

After decades as a senior corporate executive, Asher is now a renowned depth mentor, helping people connect with their inner story, find purpose and meaning, and truly become themselves.

With qualifications in leadership, coaching and mentoring, he is a certified HeartMath and Kundalini Yoga teacher, and has further studied in Jungian concepts, epigenetics and the social psychology of sport.

Depth-oriented guidance involves an exploration into the unconscious aspects of the human psyche, delving beneath the surface of the conditioned stories that motivate our behaviour, influence our values and shape our sense of identity.

Within this work, the soul holds profound significance, as it recognises the existence of an older, wiser and more generative story which holds the key to our genius.

Mythology and dreams serve as powerful tools to reveal this story, providing symbolic representations and offering insights into archetypal patterns. They act as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious layers of our psyche, allowing us to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and understanding.

We learn to embrace our wholeness and find greater meaning, fulfilment and enjoyment in life.